Supercharge your Focus and Productivity

Experience a smarter way to manage your time, with privacy-first tracking and insightful analytics that empower you to achieve more every day.

Intel, Apple Silicon. macOS 11+

timemaster overview

Your AI productivity assistant

Take control of your time with TimeMaster. Focus on your priorities while the app tracks your usage automatically in the background, simplifying time management.

Project detection

timeMaster detects when you're working on a new project and switches to tracking it automatically.

exclude non work activities

Exclude non-work activities

Excludes time spent on non-work activities like browsing the web or using social media, giving you a more accurate picture of your work time.

Time logging

Generates detailed time logs for your projects and tasks, with descriptive summaries written by AI for an accurate record of your work.

Build better work habits

TimeMaster helps you build better work habits and fight burnout by providing tools to schedule regular automatic breaks, set and track goals, and receive notifications when you're overworking or distracted.


Overworking notifications

Receive reminders to take breaks and maintain a healthy work-life balance, ensuring you stay productive and focused.

Overworking notifications

Daily journal

Start each day with purpose and end it by summarizing your experiences, leading to better mental and emotional well-being.

Daily journal

Find work break ratio

Track your sessions and breaks to gain insight into your work-life balance and make adjustments for improved productivity and well-being.

work break ratio

Privacy first

We take privacy concerns seriously, and are committed to ensuring that your data is always kept secure.

Securely Local

Your data is stored exclusively on your local device and never transmitted anywhere else

exclude non work activities


We safeguard your data by encrypting it before saving it, ensuring its safety even if the device is stolen.

Limited access

TimeMaster only reads the title of the app you are using, and we do not access any other information.

Maximize productivity

TimeMaster helps you understand how you are spending your time and what's compromising your ability to stay productive.
Get valuable insights on how to elevate your productivity with our powerful features:


Discover most productive hours

Discover your most productive hours and optimize your schedule for maximum efficiency.

productive hours

Find top distractions

Identify your top distractions, track your context switching and take steps to eliminate them

top distractions


TimeMaster analyze and accurately categorize your activities into useful groups, giving you a clear understanding of how you spend your time.


Focus, distraction metrics

Monitor your focus and distraction metrics to stay on task and achieve your goals

distraction metrics

Get weekly, monthly reports

Get detailed weekly and monthly reports, giving you a clear understanding of how you're spending your time.

timemaster weekly monthly reports

Optimize your productivity

Identify patterns, set goals, and make adjustments to optimize your productivity.

In depth analysis

Get an in-depth analysis of your work habits and see where you can make improvements.

Automatic project overview

Get a complete view of every project you work on with TimeMaster's comprehensive overviews.

timemaster project overview

Auto time logs

Automatically generated time logs for each task you are working on with detailed data on how you spent time


Obtain an understanding of your focus score, most productive hours, frequently used apps, and more.


Limited time early bird offer! Lock in your rate now before the price increase.
All premium features and unlimited analytics included.

Time Master standard plan


Includes all premium features and unlimited analytics.

timeMaster available plan
1 macOS device
timeMaster available plan
All features
timeMaster available plan
Unlimited analytics
$ 14 / month
14-day Money Back Guarantee

Change The Way You Work